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June Birthstone Guide: Moonstone

June Birthstone Guide: Moonstone

Calling all our June babies...this post is for you! Today we are featuring your birthstone, the moonstone. This gem oozes mystery and bears interesting facts, properties, and meanings behind it. Curious to know? Let’s get started!


Before we dive into the “fun facts” of moonstones, understanding what a moonstone is and where it comes from is a good place to start. Moonstones are a part of the mineral family of feldspars. What does a moonstone look like exactly? Picture a cloud. The moonstone has a foggy-like appearance but when light hits the stone, something amazing happens. Moonstones give off something called adularescence when exposed to light. Pretty cool huh?
Like most gems, they come in a variety of different shades. Moonstones can be anything from colorless to pink, peach, yellow, gray, blue, and brown. There’s something for any type of moonstone lover!
Location, location, location. Moonstones can be found in various countries around the world including Madagascar, Brazil, Sri Lanka, and India just to name a few. The most prized moonstone, the blue moonstone, is extremely rare and can be found in Sri Lanka.


The beautiful meaning behind moonstones is energy. It's meant to bring you back to wholeness and it also makes for the perfect protective stone. Life is full of twists and turns, you never know what will happen next. With a moonstone, you have the strength and resilience to fight through! This gem, as you will discover, contains healing properties that correlate with its meaning.


Searching for a good luck charm that helps you stay calm, cool, and collected? Look no further, the moonstone has all that and more! Their healing properties include: happiness, nurturing, good fortune, unselfishness, hope, spiritual insight, easy childbirth, safe travel, abundance, and most importantly, love.
If you’re looking to turn a new leaf, the moonstone definitely helps with that. One of the major healing properties of a moonstone is new beginnings. Say goodbye to your troubles and hello to a fresh start. It’s time to sparkle like the gem you are!
Last but not least, the moonstone is associated with the crown, heart, and third eye chakra. This means that the moonstone will calm and relieve stress while releasing love of all kinds. Good vibes only!

Metaphysical Properties

The moonstone has a variety of metaphysical properties. The main properties that the stone brings you are intuition, good wishes, and balance. Diving a little deeper, there are a few other interesting properties that the gem holds.
Negative energy is such an unnecessary thing to deal with. Who has time for that? Not us! Luckily, if you wear your moonstone ring daily, it gives that bad juju the boot. Amen to that! Over time, you will see more positivity in your life.
Ladies, it’s not always easy to feel strong and fierce like the queen you are. But rest assured, your moonstone jewelry will draw out your inner feminine energy! The moonstone is known for harbouring your feminine side and energy. Go ahead and treat yo’ self to some moonstone bling that will bring out your inner diva!
Love is one of the most powerful feelings out there. A moonstone will remind you to love openly and without judgement. Ultimately, remember to trust the moonstone and let it guide you. It will always lead your heart to love and light.

What L&P Offers

Here at Love & Promise, we offer a fabulous selection of moonstone rings. Feel free to take a gander at some of our moonstone rings in this post. We also have a video with our Moonstone Mae to show samples of styling. Check out our One Ring, Three Ways: Moonstone Mae video to see how you can style your piece.
Who knew moonstones could have all these marvelous qualities? As always, be sure to check out our website, subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates, and follow us on all of our socials. Happy birthday to you June Rosettes!

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